Kongo and Kumba_Two Gorillas_Cover_Alice Schick_Joseph Cellini Kongo and Kumba: Two Gorillas

96 pages, with realistic black-and-white pencil illustrations.
The stories of two young gorillas: one (fictional but realistic) in central Africa; the other the first of her species born in Chicago (and only the fifteenth born in captivity anywhere). Three decades after its first publication, this award-winning book remains "the perfect introduction to one of the most charismatic species on the planet."

Autographed by Alice Schick.

Click on the book cover to read a sample from Kongo and Kumba.

Kongo and Kumba: Two Gorillas: $20

Pergrine Falcons_Cover_Alice Schick_Peter Parnall The Peregrine Falcons

96 pages, with dramatic black-and-white pen-and-ink illustrations.
Peregrine Falcons, the fastest-flying creatures the world has ever seen, almost became extinct due to unintended effects of pesticide use. The Peregrine Falcons tells the true story of a dramatic attempt to save the species. The falcons' rescuers developed techniques of captive breeding and restocking the falcons' wild habitats that have proven successful in saving not only peregrines but other birds of prey as well. Reviewers called The Peregrine Falcons "a profoundly hopeful and inspiring story," and "an outstanding, exciting and beautiful book."

Autographed by Alice Schick.

Click on the book cover to read a sample from The Peregrine Falcons.

The Peregrine Falcons: $20

Serengeti Cats_Cover_Alice Schick_Joel Schick Serengeti Cats

128 pages, with realistic black-and-white pencil illustrations.

The interwoven stories of three cat families (lion, leopard and cheetah) in possibly the most famous wildlife habitat on earth, Serengeti Cats draws a compelling and intimate picture of these graceful predators, their prey and the habitat they share. The perfect armchair safari for readers of all ages. "The author manages at the same time to convey the overall patterns and interconnectedness of living things, including man, and yet to show the unique individuality of each animal, with no trace of anthropomorphism, and all in a highly readable style—a lovely book."

Autographed by Alice and Joel Schick.

Click on the book cover to read a sample from Serengeti Cats.

• Serengeti Cats: $22

Zoo Year_Cover_Alice Schick_Joel Schick_Sara Ann Friedman Zoo Year

192 pages, with realistic black-and-white pencil illustrations.

Organized by the seasons, Zoo Year is a vivid account of the activities of an American zoo during the course of a year. Readers will come to care about all the characters--human and animal--and gain an appreciation of the issues faced by modern zoos as they go about their important work. Zoo Year was hailed by zoo professionals when it was first published. One zoo director wrote: "While reading the stories, I had the feeling that I was going through one year of my own zoo's daybook. I commend this delightful book to zoo buffs of all ages."

Autographed by Alice and Joel Schick.

Click on the book cover to read a sample from Zoo Year.

Zoo Year: $22

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